Dr. Timothy Eagen is the Superintendent of Schools in the Kings Park CSD. Dr. Eagen is currently President-Elect of NYASCD and a Past President of LIASCD. Additionally, Dr. Eagen is an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Teaching, Literacy and Leadership at Hofstra University. Dr. Eagen was twice nominated for ASCD’s Outstanding Young Educator Award (OYEA) award, and was named a finalist in 2011. Lastly, Dr. Eagen is a member of the New York Schools Data Analysis Technical Assistance Group (DATAG) where he was named
Educator of the Year in 2010. Dr. Eagen holds a B.S. in Ceramic Engineering and Materials Science from Alfred University, a M.S. from Hofstra University in Secondary Education, and an Ed.D. from Hofstra University in Educational and Policy Leadership. Dr. Eagen is a published author and proud life member of the National Eagle Scout Association.
Dr. Eagen joined the Commack-Kings Park Rotary Club in 2015 so that he can continue his love for service in the greater community. He enjoys the fact that Rotary is an international organization with thousands of clubs around the globe.
Dr. Eagen's first “Rotary Moment” came as he was helping our club create its Facebook account. This single step took us into the “social media world”, and hopefully will allow our club to spread our good news, publicize events, and generate interest in the club for perspective members.
Favorite Quote: “…people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” -Maya Angelou